Font Reference

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This site doesn't host any fonts for download, but on each font's page, you'll see buttons in the top right corner, that look like this:
Google fonts
Click on any of those links and it will take you to where you can download the fonts.
All the fonts on this site have permissive licenses that allow for free personal and commercial use.
Some fonts restrict against you directly selling the font, and some have restrictions against using the font's name if you make a modified copy.
This is not legal advice and you should always confirm that the license for the font you want to use works for your use case. The licenses for most fonts are listed on their page, along with a link to read the license's terms.
Only fonts with a free license for personal/commercial use are listed here, so it's possible the font you're looking for has a proprietary/paid license.
You can use the Image Search tool to find a font similar to the paid license font you're looking for.
If there's a font you want added that has a free/open license, for example the SIL Open Font License, MIT License, Apache License, or similar, then feel free to contact us and let us know and we'll do our best to get it added.
All the fonts listed on this site come from reputable sources. About 3/4 of them come from Google Fonts, and the remaining 1/4 come from a variety of different font foundries.
We try to include the names of the font's foundry and designers on each font's page. Typically the links in the top right corner will also link directly to the foundry's page for the font.
While we try our best to ensure that all the information on this site is up to date and accurate, we are only human.
If you've found an error, we'd be happy to fix it if you contact us to let us know.
All fonts listed on this site have free/open licenses and can be used for personal or commerical purposes.
Of course, you should always confirm the license matches your needs. Nothing said on this site is intended as legal advice.
If you notice any errors or omissions, please let us know.
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